A Study on Consumer Service Quality Perception of Fast Food Industry in Bangalore City


Shikha Bhagat
Shilpa Sarvani Ravi


The fast food industry is one of the most important and rapidly growing segments of the overall restaurant industry . At the same time, it is a very dynamic and competitive business where too many food chains are chasing few consumers. This has become a million dollar questions-“what is youth’ s choice of fast food restaurant?” .This present study is an attempt to understand the perception of Indian young consumers, majorly focused on the key players like Mc Donalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Dominos, T aco Bell, Subway , and Papa John’ s. This empirical study was conducted based on primary data collected from 275 respondents in Bangalore city through a structured questionnaire. V arious attributes like taste, variety , price, location, service etc were examined. Several statistical tools were applied to screen the richness of attributes affecting the choice of fast food outlets by Indian young consumers and to analyse the best perceived attribute by them. The study unveiled that McDonald and Dominos are the most preferred fast food outlets followed by Subway , Pizza Hut and KFC etc. Further, comparative study was also fared between McDonalds and Dominos to dissect the attributes influencing quality perception of these two outlets.


Author Biographies

Shikha Bhagat, Assistant Professor

Management Studies, PES University , Banashankari, Bangalore-560085

Shilpa Sarvani Ravi, Assistant Professor

Management Studies, PES University, Banashankari, Bangalore-560085

How to Cite
Shikha Bhagat, & Shilpa Sarvani Ravi. (2022). A Study on Consumer Service Quality Perception of Fast Food Industry in Bangalore City. NLDIMSR Innovision Journal of Management Research, 1(2), 01–08. Retrieved from https://nldinnovision.com/index.php/nldimsr/article/view/1


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