Gen Z Perspective of E-Commerce Logistics Service Quality on Home Delivery After Pandemic: Sem Approach to Satisfaction of Customer and Loyalty
With recent technological advancements, internationalization, and, of course, the epidemic of COVID-19, the number of electronic retail planning activities has grown rapidly. But the goal of this research is to examine how Gen Z perceives the quality of electronic retail logistics services for home delivery during a pandemic and to pinpoint the aspects of electronic retail logistics service quality that influence the Satisfaction of customers. Additionally, it seeks to discover whether there exists a relationship between the degrees of consumer delight and brand adherence among those Gen Z customers who shop online. An email-based survey was used to gather data from 302 online shoppers in Bangalore, India. The association between the selected factors has been investigated using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Customers are more likely to be satisfied when orders are delivered on time, in good condition, accurately, and without difficulties. Customer loyalty and Satisfaction of customers were found to be positively correlated.
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