Supply Chain Planning in the New Normal


Rupesh Siyodia


Covid-19 has exposed the risks of complex, dispersed and disconnected supply chains. Many businesses have realized they need to reach a state of greater visibility and agility across their supply chain, both internal and external, with an increased move to near shoring and indeed on shoring. This crisis has forced practical, agile thinking, giving the courage to test, fail fast and try again. Decision-making and digital transformations that would have taken months or years are being done in a matter of weeks. The main objective of the research paper is to study the initiative taken by companies to make their end-to-end Supply Chain resilient, agile and robust. This paper also throws the light on the new age technologies that are evident for new-normal supply chain management.


How to Cite
Siyodia, R. (2021). Supply Chain Planning in the New Normal. NLDIMSR Innovision Journal of Management Research, 5(1), 9–13. Retrieved from


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